Wednesday, September 5, 2012

IWSG Wednesday - Word of the Month

Happy Insecure Writer's Support Group Wednesday. Thank you again to Alex J. Cavanaugh, the creator of the group. The first Wednesday of every month is dedicated to this group of supportive writers. If it's something you're not familiar with, then please click on Alex's link above for more information and to sign up!

I just finished my 40 mile drive into work and have 40 minutes before my workday officially begins. I tried to write a post over the holiday weekend, but I barely had time to get on the computer. I had planned to write this post last night, but between tending to a fussy baby, returning emails, and fighting a sinus infection, I again was unable to sit down and concentrate on writing a post. This has been what my entire month of August has felt like. The word of the month is:
I've felt behind all month, and the constant feeling has been absolutely draining. I've accomplished a decent amount of editing in my new manuscript, but it's only a fraction of what I had planned to accomplish last month. September can't be a repeat of August. If I want to one day support myself through my writing, I can't wallow in self-pity and succumb to complacency. I need the drive, passion, and persistence to propel myself forward. Excuses will not get me where I want to go.

*Taking a moment to breathe*

I hope August has been productive for you. Summer is ending and I look forward to the changing seasons. Cooler weather with a hot cup of coffee feels like ideal writing weather. But waiting for ideal doesn't build momentum. I know that; I just need to actually apply what I know. It's time to get back to work. Thanks for your support, and as always, thank you for reading!


  1. Sinus infections suck!
    Hope your September rocks, Michael. We've missed you here.

  2. I think we all need and deserve time out sometimes. I have a tendency to panic if I don't keep up with things - especially blogging - I feel as though people will forget me! But in reality everyone is still around, and will always be as supportive as ever! Don't put so much pressure on yourself and everything will be fine! :D

  3. Well, August has been a crazy month of moving for me, so I haven't gotten much done either. It happens. Best of luck!

    Allison (Geek Banter)

  4. My hat goes off to you. I can't imagine trying to write with a baby and a sinus infection!
    I hope September brings you the renewal that you need

  5. I hear you. I've been slacking off this month because I haven't been happy with my story at all. Time for me to step up and change it. :)

  6. Awesome, Michael... you've SO got the right perspective. That's obvious. Yes, take a moment to breathe, but then get to it! And even though waiting for the ideal doesn't build momentum, the ideal is still really nice... I'm a fan of cool weather... ;)

    And I hope you're feeling better!

  7. I'm still sad that my youngest left for college last week, but I wouldn't want to go back to the fussy baby days. Hope you catch up.

  8. August was like that for me... and July. Um, yeah. I'm with you. September has to be better!!!

  9. I think August was sluggish for a lot of us here in the blogosphere... though you may have been missed, family & health always come first. (This is something I was reminded of in August myself.) So, for September... I do hope things move forward in health and writing. Positive energy headed your way!

  10. I would not like to have the commute that you have. That sounds mind numbing. I hope things simmer down for you and that you feel better soon.

  11. It was an exhausting month last month. Each of us battling different obstacles. Sinus infections nearly do me in, which usually result in a trip to the doc for a steroid shot.

    I certainly hope September is a month of renewal. Happy IWSG week. :)

  12. August was not as productive as I would have liked it to be. I'm gonna push hard through September though. :)

  13. I sure hope you have a better September and I have no doubt that your drive, positive attitude, and sheer talent will take right where you want to be.

    Keep getting stronger!

  14. I've felt behind this entire summer. You're not alone, Michael. I understand wanting my writing to financially support me. One day... We've just got to keep going. Good luck. BTW: I'm a fellow IWSG member. Nice to meet you.

  15. Man, I've felt behind all summer. I guess we're in good company. :)

  16. I can totally relate to this Michael, and I'm also hoping the fall will be a more productive time for me. Good luck getting back on track, I know you'll get there. :)


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