Wednesday, September 4, 2013

IWSG: Happy 2 Years and Growing!

Happy Insecure Writer's Support Group Wednesday...and this isn't just any IWSG Wednesday, this is the group's 2 year anniversary! Thank you again to Alex J. Cavanaugh, the creator of the group. The first Wednesday of every month is dedicated to this group of supportive writers. If it's something you're not familiar with, then please click on Alex's link above for more information and to sign up!

Often times I get so caught up with all the tasks that come along with being an author--and especially an indie author--that I sometimes lose sight of what's most important, which is the writing itself. So this is my reminder to myself of why I love writing and storytelling:
  • I love creating the story I've always wanted to read (with the hope that others have been waiting for it, too).  
  • Writing that one phrase or sentence that gives me goosebumps when I reread it is magical (and if it's the only thing I write that day, it's still well worth it).
  • I love developing characters into real people and watching them grow throughout the pages.
  • I want to entertain, uplift, and inspire my audience with the stories I write.
  • Writing is my creative outlet where "anything is possible," where the impossible becomes possible (which will be a recurring theme in all of my stories).
And when I reread this, I know I'll have more to add, but that's also part of the fun...story evolution. Nothing is written in stone. Even when the story's done, I have the power to go back and change it (indie author perk). There are always surprises. Always adventure. I guess if the adventure one day ends, then it's time to give up and move on...but I hope that day will never come. I want to write until the day I die.

Why do you love to write?


  1. Great post, Michael. I have long thought the IWSG is an amazing group, even though I'm not yet a part of it, and I definitely intend to join someday. I don't know why I haven't yet, probably just that it's one more thing to add to my stupidly large task list. But next year I intend to let myself calm down a bit and maybe I'll be ready to join this group then. :)

    I agree that it's easy to lose track of what this writing gig is all about - the actual writing, the love of it, and the feeling of achievement when you get down that hair-raising special line.

  2. Being able to change things is definitely a perk for you!

  3. I love to write because I can create anything I want within a story. Anything can happen, because I'm the one who makes it happen. I really don't think I could live without writing now. Great post :)

  4. I'm itching to get back to writing. I'll start and get into it then my manuscript will come back. [due back next week] Then I'll have to put the writing down again.

  5. Sooooo beautiful, Michael. And inspiring. I love your list of why you write. I think I write for selfish reasons, lol... I just need that creative outlet. But I definitely agree with everything you said. Wonderful post!

  6. GREAT reminder list! You're right; it's very easy to get caught up in the rush and forget the joy of just writing.

  7. Your list is top notch... there are no better reasons for writing and your post is a good reminder for the rest of us!

    It's a little different for me, of course, with my WIP being a memoir... I'm not so much writing to create an alternate future as I am to free the memories of the past. Once I get that out, maybe I'll extend that sci-fi short I finished at the beginning of this year into something with more substance. Until then, I look forward to reading what happens next in Susy Asylum :-)

  8. Hi I followed you over from ... I can't remember now... someone else's blog LOL. And just added you to my Bloglovin list so hope to get to know you more.

    Your list is a GREAT reminder. We should probably all do this from time to time just to remember why we keep going when days do get frustrating.

  9. It is a great idea to write a list of why we write in the first place. It is so easy to get caught up in the pressures and insecurities that a friendly reminder like that puts things in perspective. I'm off to make my own list! Thanks for the idea, Michael!

  10. Great IWSG post. I've been feeling this a lot lately - worried so much about everything else concerning my books that I forget the reason I started writing in the first place. Love your list.

  11. What a great post, Michael. I too love my writing creative outlet. It's one of my salvations.

  12. Amen to it all!! I love the creative fun of writing!


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