Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Indie ReCon is Going on Now!

Today is Day 2 of the three day Indie ReCon online conference. I tried to read most of the posts and watched several videos from yesterday, but I'll have to go back this weekend to get through everything. I will warn you now, there is a lot of information. So far, the biggest impacts for me were Susan Kaye Quinn's video, the web chat with JA Konrath and Barry Eisler, and Rachel Aaron's post on writing faster. With my limited writing time, Rachel's post intrigued me immensely, and it was pretty simple and straightforward, but made a lot of sense. I'll be working on putting her triangle diagram principles into action with my writing to get more out of each sit-down session.

If you're an indie author or interested in becoming one, the information provided at Indie ReCon is invaluable. Click on the graphic above to check it out. I'll discuss more of my learnings from the conference next Wednesday. Have a great week!


  1. I'm not indie, but I did sign up to get updates, as I'm sure there's a lot any author can learn.

  2. Thanks for the link. I will check it out and look for the articles/videos you liked.

  3. This sounds like something I should look into.. good to be informed no matter your publishing route.

  4. Sounds interesting. I may have to check out some of those posts.


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